Blog: Social networking sites

For my social networking sites, I visited Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Google+.

My impressions are that they are all very different social medias. Google+ and Facebook would be the most similar. They are platforms to connect with friends and family that you know and show an online presence. They do this by uploading photos, posts or comments to interact with one another. They can also join groups to discuss with random people around the world about topics they may be interested in.

Reddit is an anonymous forum site that has a variety of "sub" catergories called Subreddits. Inside these subreddits, strangers interact by posting pictures, blogs or videos based on their interests. These content are then upvoted or downvoted based on it. They also inter act with one another with messages. All of this is done anonymously.

The final social media is  Twitter. Twitter is a platform where you can "follow" people and get their updates. People use this to follow their favorite celebrties and get updates on their lives. Or they can follow new sources and get constant updates about the news.  This can be customized based on what they are most interested in. For example, if they were a democratt, they can follow specfic news about that.


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