Social Networking

Some other benefits include gaining a network as well. Like in the article about "Social networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting", a popular social media is Linkedin. LinkedIn allows for young professionals to build a network virtually that they always had to do in person before. Like in the article, it allows for recruiters to connect with people and give them opportunities that otherwise wouldn't have been possible.

However this can come with some "dark sides" as well.  Social Media can lead to some serious anti-socialness, especially in the younger generation. Growing up so close to social media, people can forget that there is a reality as well. In the article, Antisocial Networking, it talks about how kids are starting to be less talk-ative and active as their previous generations. Kids are glued to their phones rather than going out to play and building connections in the real world.

As far as how social media will evolve for the future, I believe new social medias will replace Facebook and current ones, just like how Myspace and Digg have phased out into Facebook and Reddit. However, the bigger issue in my opinion is how to deal with the privacy issues along with these social media sites. All of your information is logged and it can be extremely dangerous to have something stay on the internet "Forever."
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