
Showing posts from November, 2017

Next New

The next new media that doenst current exist is virtual chatrooms that allow you to see the other person. Imagine a coffee shop where you can go and meet people but on a purely virtual room. It'll allow people to connect all around the world and meet almost anyone. It'll replace things like skype or facetime because it'll literally allow you to see the other person face to face. Even if you will be virtual, you can see them. Some other features of this virtual room will allow you to join custom chatrooms that are specific to your interests. Alot of the issues now is because of the anonymous factor when it comes to online forums. However this eliminates it because it'll allow people to  see who is behind that keyboard.

Blog: Wiki So Far

I am looking to contribute about the types of new media related to television. My research paper revolved around it so I already have the sources. Articles of the wiki will include the newest and most popular platforms such as Netflix Hulu and HBO vs Traditional Cable TV. Pages will include economical impact with a analysis between prices and the the history of the two. I will also include the different exclusive shows of each of these platforms.

Blog: P2P

File sharing is sharing files on the internet with individuals or organizations. It may or may not be with people you know and the files can range from documents to songs to movies. P2P File Sharing is peep to peep file sharing that gives people access to files through a file sharing network program. Each user becomes a node and allows people to distribute it. P2P Sharing examples are most popular with torrent sites/apps. TheWire has an article that talks about the impact of The BitTorrent Effect. BitTorrent was the most popular torrenting service. Even though its not illegal to torrent, being a node or someone that uploads and shares copyrighted material can be punished harshly.


IF I was hired to improve Baruch College through New Media Here are my top suggestions and they're all regarding social media presence. 1) Increase Facebook presence.. Baruch has accounts and such for the various organizations on campus but Baruch College as whole has a very weak social media presence. There are a few posts here and there about the upcoming events but it needs to be consistent in its post to gain a following. 2) Increase Snapchat presence. I think this can have a huge effect on people attending events on campus. Posting snapchats to a baruch snapchat account where students and other people can add the account and see events going on during clubhours. Honestly, Baruch only promotes their events through fliers and billboards in the school. Thats a very old media technology method. People now adays are much more likely on their phones than they are to read a passing poster. 3) Develop an application that provides notifications of on going events at baruch of other eve


Privacy is extremely important when it comes to New Media. New Media includes a very popular feature of society, Social Media. Social Media has gained so much popularity in the last decade that almost everyone living in modern society has some sought of social media account. This means Facebook, Myspace, Reddit, Youtube etc. However with the rise of social media, there needs to be proper regulation regarding privacy. Social Media websites have gotten free reign over all of over data and is constantly data mining our personal information for better ads. There have been ever videos showing Facebook using our phones to secretly listen to our conversations and creating ads specifcally for us. That's a huge breach of privacy and there needs to be regulations to maintain the boundaries of what social media websites can and cannot do. Many people would argue that if you are not doing anything bad it shouldnt matter but i personally think its a huge flawed point.