
IF I was hired to improve Baruch College through New Media

Here are my top suggestions and they're all regarding social media presence.

1) Increase Facebook presence.. Baruch has accounts and such for the various organizations on campus but Baruch College as whole has a very weak social media presence. There are a few posts here and there about the upcoming events but it needs to be consistent in its post to gain a following.

2) Increase Snapchat presence. I think this can have a huge effect on people attending events on campus. Posting snapchats to a baruch snapchat account where students and other people can add the account and see events going on during clubhours. Honestly, Baruch only promotes their events through fliers and billboards in the school. Thats a very old media technology method. People now adays are much more likely on their phones than they are to read a passing poster.

3) Develop an application that provides notifications of on going events at baruch of other events and reminders. The application can remind students of their finals based on their scheduled classes. It'll be extremely helpful to the school and students. It can post various events going on as well during different times of the day and what clubs are hosting these events. It can also manage our starr accounts with interviews and such.

There is alot of potential to improve baruch and its presence with these suggestions.

Image result for baruch college


  1. I chose Social Media as well. It is a great tool to get the word out. I think all schools should be active on all platforms. Not only will it increase the amount of people who attend events, It will bring more traffic to Baruch's website. This can help bring in potential students and staff.


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