
Showing posts from October, 2017

Creativity and New Media

Creativity in the new media can come in many ways. The biggest and most popular New Media creative platform is YouTube. YouTube allows for anyone and everyone to upload their own content and share it with the world. This promotes creativity since the barrier of entry is so low. A little while back, for a project, I made a video on something I was very passionate about. CyberSecurity and how we can be safer on the internet. I made a video with tools and tips on how to be safer on the internet. Even though its still a bit awkward to rewatch and listen to my own voice, I put in alot of effort and was able to create content that I thought would've been very hard to make. This allowed me to create something I'm very proud of and also something I'm passionate able. This is my definition of new media and creativity .

HW Creativity

New Media is fostering creativity rather than hindering it. New Media has allowed for us to get access to many channels we have never had before. The ability to send a message in a matter of seconds or watch an entire moving image video on the internet is something that is still relativity new. This may have you wondering, why this might allow for creativity. It fosters creativity because it allows for such a low barrier for entry compared to the past. Literally almost everyone has a smartphone that has a camera that can record, edit and upload a video to the internet for everyone to see. This makes for everyone to become a content creator. Before this, content creators could've been anyone but getting a phyiscal camera, and manually uploading to the internet on what could've been snail internet speeds was a very high barrier of entry.  Now that everyone can be a content creator and much more people have become content creators, this allows for new content and more creativity.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

There are many ways for a virtual world to be used as opposed the real world. The virtual world is one that takes place online, allowing someone to embody a character, avatar or simply someone they are not. And thats okay! The virtual world allows us to be someone we're not. This is popular especially popular in gaming. In the article "After Second Linfe, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" talks about simply this. There are many games that are virtual worlds that don't get acknowledged as such. Minecraft is a virtual world. It may not seem like it because of its simplicity but it allows the player to play as a character and create masterpieces they might not be able to do in the real world.  I think as technology evolves, the meaning of virtual worlds will mean even more so. With virtual reality becoming more advanced as every year goes on, the possibility of creating an entire ecosystem in a virtual world and having people have a "second life" there is reall

Blog about Twitter

Twitter is much more different than a lassroom or blackboard. Twitter has something called hashtags which allows for communities or groups of people to express the same opinions and collaborate. For example, during the elections many people took to twitter to express their support for candidate over another with hashtags of their candidates names. Blackboard discussions are similar, however blackboard is a more professional and educational platform. Twitter allows for people to be anonymous or not, and allows for a more free speak. Twitter is also a social media which means it allows for you to have conversation for people around the world or people you don't even know. this isn't something you can do in an inclass discussion.

Blog: Social networking sites

For my social networking sites, I visited Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Google+. My impressions are that they are all very different social medias. Google+ and Facebook would be the most similar. They are platforms to connect with friends and family that you know and show an online presence. They do this by uploading photos, posts or comments to interact with one another. They can also join groups to discuss with random people around the world about topics they may be interested in. Reddit is an anonymous forum site that has a variety of "sub" catergories called Subreddits. Inside these subreddits, strangers interact by posting pictures, blogs or videos based on their interests. These content are then upvoted or downvoted based on it. They also inter act with one another with messages. All of this is done anonymously. The final social media is  Twitter. Twitter is a platform where you can "follow" people and get their updates. People use this to follow their favorit

Social Networking

Some other benefits include gaining a network as well. Like in the article about "Social networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting", a popular social media is Linkedin. LinkedIn allows for young professionals to build a network virtually that they always had to do in person before. Like in the article, it allows for recruiters to connect with people and give them opportunities that otherwise wouldn't have been possible. However this can come with some "dark sides" as well.  Social Media can lead to some serious anti-socialness, especially in the younger generation. Growing up so close to social media, people can forget that there is a reality as well. In the article, Antisocial Networking, it talks about how kids are starting to be less talk-ative and active as their previous generations. Kids are glued to their phones rather than going out to play and building connections in the real world. As far as how social media will evolve for the future, I believe n

Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis are different and they both have their own purpose. Blogs are generally used to document a persons life as it moves forward. This can be done with weekly paragraphs or updates of what is going on. Wikis are more used to collaborate on specific ideas or topics. This is generally done with proven facts and instead of one person doing it, it can be done in a group. A new use for wiki can be used as a type of documentation for a family. A internal wiki page where families can update with their personal photos etc.